Due to the introduction of new debit cards by the card schemes using the same AID as in their credit cards, merchants insist on having a possibility to differentiate the various products and to refuse certain cards at the POS, as on AID level this is not anymore possible.
The Technical Cooperation ep2 has decided to support Issuers and Merchants by solving the problem with the registration of an own ASRPD ID 0003 as the usage of the ASRPD ID 0001 (registered by EPC/CSG) is restricted to the EU. Issuers can find the coding definition for their chip card personalisation process here.
Additionally the terminal specification will be extended to enable the terminal to process ASRPD chip data according to the business rules defined by the acquirer during initialisation and to forward the information for processing in the submission data. Therefore the already issued TNL CR 404 is revoked effective immediately and a customized approach will be published with TNL CR 433.
If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!