
Is quantum computing a threat for EMV and ep2 based payment?

Is quantum computing a threat for EMV and ep2 based payment?


Quantum computing represents a significant technological advancement with the potential to revolutionize various fields, including cryptography. As quantum computers become more powerful, they pose a potential threat to the cryptographic algorithms currently used in EMV® chip card payments. This blog assesses the impact of quantum computing on EMV® chip cryptography, ep2 transaction processing and outlines the measures being taken to ensure the continued security of card payment systems.


Quantum computers pose a potential threat to EMV® chip cryptography, particularly to asymmetric algorithms (RSA, ECC) and to a lesser extent, symmetric algorithms (AES).

Asymmetric Cryptography (RSA/ECC)

Shor’s Algorithm could theoretically break RSA and ECC, but quantum computers need significant advancements (5-7 orders of magnitude) to be a realistic threat.

Symmetric Cryptography (AES)

Grover’s Algorithm is faster than classical search, but it is impractical for breaking AES-128. Therefore AES-128 is considered secure against both classical and quantum attacks. AES-256 is also available for contingency but not necessary for quantum resistance.

Future Outlook

Significant quantum threats are projected to be at least 10-15 years away, with cryptographically significant quantum computers unlikely before 2040.


Within the mentioned timeframe above, AES-128 remains the recommended symmetric algorithm, but it makes sense to emphasize crypto agility and the ability to adapt to future developments. By supporting AES-128 starting with ep2 Version 8.x.x customers are well protected, also for the years to come.


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