
ep2 Version 8.2.0 released

ep2 Version 8.2.0 released

The association Technical Cooperation ep2 (TeCo ep2) has published the ep2 Specification Version 8.2.0.

In 2023, the ep2 working group treated 29 change requests (CR). Of these, 4 CRs were rejected, 22 CRs were accepted and the 3 topics were continued into 2024 for further treatment. The major specification priorities in 2023 were the MIFARE extension (CR 506) and the specification of the accessibility mode for people with a visual impairment on PIN on Glass terminals (CR 514). The most important enhancements & changes in V.8.1.0 are:

  1. CR 506 MIFARE, additional contactless technology as an alternative to magnetic stripe cards, which has been specified primarily for gift cards, fleet cards and customer cards. This CR is basically optional, but mandatory for terminals of class AT-PED-ALL and UAT-PED-ALL without magnetic stripe reader. MIFARE test cases and certification are available from 13.01.2025.

  2. CR 514 UI for people with a visual impairment on PIN on Glass terminals. This CR is mandatory for all new approvals and upgrade approvals of PIN on Glass terminals from 13.01.2025. Retroactive implementation is optional and will not be certified.

  3. CR 508 Security Changes for Version 8: Due to various changes of the general conditions since the definition of the ep2 V.8.0.0 Security four topics need to be adapted:
    1. the SHA-256 based Surrogate PAN algorithm option was added for usage within the version >= 8.0.0 (migration to HMAC based Surrogate PAN till March 31, 2025 required)
    2. the HMAC based Surrogate PAN algorithm was extended with a DOL based value approach
    3. the TLS rules were extended to support server name indication (SNI)
    4. Surrogate PAN option for e-commerce completed

  4. CR 494 Sonic / Sensory Branding: An ep2 regulation for foreign terminals has been specified. Sonic/sensory branding is not allowed to be activated on ep2 terminals in Switzerland.

  5. CR 340 Mobile Payment, transaction type Purchase Force Acceptance added to BLE.

  6. CR 520 Transit (Paperless Ticketing): The ep2 specification has been extended for Transit / Paperless Ticketing. This means that, for example, a public transport ticket can be referenced directly to a debit/credit card throughout Switzerland using the ep2 Surrogate PAN mechanism. The uniform algorithm fulfills the EMV and PCI requirements and can be implemented by the POS/vending machines and control devices of the Swiss public transportation companies. The transit functionality can be implemented retroactively using TNL up to V.7.2.0.

  7. CR 521 Payer Note: In international practice, the merchant can determine additional payment information such as the name and location of the card acceptance point himself and transmit it via the FE authorisation request, BE transmission and MI submission. This CR is optional and can be implemented retroactively up to V.8.0.0.

  8. CR 522 ‘Rule for Empty Mandatory Elements’ removed: The ‘Rule for Empty Mandatory Data Elements’ in the Data Dictionary under section 4.2.3 is contradictory and makes no sense from a technical point of view, so the rule has been removed. This change applies from V.8.0.0.

  9. CR 523 Encryption of proprietary data fields: For proprietary extensions & use cases, corresponding “nonces” can be requested from the ep2 RA.

  10. CR 524 Tender Selection Indicator: Due to scheme specifications, the terminal shall inform the acquirer / issuer via the FE and MI interface whether the brand was automatically selected by the terminal or by the cardholder. This change is mandatory retroactive from V.8.1.0.

  11. CR 529 Merchant Service Location: Due to scheme specifications, the terminal, PSP application or cash register shall transmit the location of the customer interaction for each transaction. This change is mandatory from V.8.2.0.

  12. CR 531 Electronic Receipts with QRC-Link: the ep2 specification defines the requirements for QRC links for transaction receipts. Obligation is optional.

  13. CR 533 Additional <PSP Action Codes> defined. Mandatory for PSP/e-commerce solutions.

  14. CR 534 Certification process for Scheme Level 3 tests generalized and described. In addition to UPI, AMEX and VISA can now also be certified centrally for ep2 terminals.

  15. CR 535 Service code rules have been clarified for cards without a service code. Mandatory retroactive froml V.8.0.0.

  16. CR 536 Clarification of PIN Retry Counter handling in case the issuer / acquirer does not send a value for the <PIN Retry Counter>.

  17. CR 537 <Transaction Sequence Counter> sync rule has been adapted for offline terminals in forced acceptance mode.

  18. CR 539 Format adjustment for the data element <Authorisation Code> from ‘an’ to ‘ans’. Mandatory from V.8.2.0.

  19. CR 540 Terminal Country Code solution for special cases defined, e.g. Germany, where different <Terminal Country Codes> are required depending on the scheme. Mandatory from V.8.2.0.

  20. CR 541 <Amount, Loaded>: Additional amount defined for displaying and printing a different loaded amount from the paid amount. Mandatory from V.8.2.0.

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